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Justice of the Peace
When a sudden and unexpected death investigation falls under your jurisdiction, you often decide to refer the deceased for autopsy. Our service model is proven to be the most resourceful use of your limited taxpayer dollars. Last year by switching to American Forensics the average Texas County Justice of the Peace saved their county $600.00 per case versus large urban Medical Examiner offices.
American Forensics is committed to serving Justices of the Peace in in The State of Texas. Our forensic pathologists have provided professional services to over 30 Texas counties. We have successfully grown this medical service by recommendations from satisfied Judges, Attorneys, Funeral Directors, Hospitals, and Families who have not been satisfied with their present circumstances.
In 2013, our facility passed the rigorous NAME Accreditation standards (with zero deficiencies) and became the first company of its kind to achieve such accreditation. Accreditation is one of many steps we are taking to improve the performance you should expect. We are proud to have demonstrated that we practice at the same level of all the best medical examiner offices nationwide.
Our histology and toxicology lab tests are performed to the highest possible national standards. We work with ASCLAD Crime Laboratories of your choosing to protect the chain of custody evidence. It's true, you don't have to have the autopsy performed by "the County" for law enforcement officers to use the crime lab of their choice for processing evidence.
American Forensics' employs a talented team of experienced American Board certified Medicolegal Death Investigators (ABMDI) support your law enforcement investigations with timely detailed reports and our physicians offer the solid forensic science needed in order to make important decisions regarding criminal prosecution. Our services will not delay law enforcement and prosecution from their pursuit of facts. Our American Board Certified Forensic Pathologists have over 30 years combined experience as Medical Examiners in local jurisdiction.
American Forensics will not only save you money, but also get the detailed preliminary and final reports to you faster. The Judge obtains accurate scientific data faster. Law enforcement and prosecutors are able to make critical decisions faster. Everyone benefits!
Our proven system will provide an economic advantage for your county. By having our forensic pathologists provide vital services for your county you receive a complete, all inclusive, quality forensic examination with toxicology, histology, digital radiology, photographs, finger printing, gun shot residue tests, and more.
Our standard for forensic autopsy final report turnaround times is 45 days or less, decreasing your wait time from all our regional competitors. The national standard for autopsy turn around times is 90% in 90 days according to The National Association of Medical Examiners. We understand that timely completion of reports allows you, the Judge, the most expedient completion of a death certificate, peace to families and justice. In fact, The National Institute of Justice and The U.S. Department of Justice have fully endorsed "independent" forensic science as the preferred model to improve quality outcomes in matters of prosecution.
When a family requests an autopsy of a decedent whom does not fall under your jurisdiction, they may seek your advice to refer them to a reputable provider. American Forensics is a name you can recommend to your families for prompt, caring, confidential, and competent service. Our private autopsy rate includes toxicology and interpretation. Our average report time for private cases is 60 days.
The American Forensics' facility is accredited, clean, controlled, and conveniently located in Mesquite, Texas. We are open 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days per year. American Forensics pathologists are also available for expert testimony in court, as needed. As a courtesy to our Texas Counties, American Forensics does not require a written contract to access our price discounts.
When a loved one has died, family may not completely understand the medical circumstances surrounding the death. A private autopsy can provide the cause and manner of death, and answer any remaining questions. American Forensics provides caring physicians who clearly and compassionately communicate with the surviving family members.
An autopsy can provide answers to questions concerning acquired and inherited diseases, to assist the family in understanding the death of their loved one, and to assist the surviving family members with their own healthcare maintenance. Families may also have concerns about the healthcare that their loved one has received. A private autopsy is the first step in the pursuit of future medical legal litigation. Any family member or close friend of the deceased can ask for an autopsy, but the autopsy must be properly authorized by the legal next of kin. The family will receive a comprehensive written report including the findings of the external, internal, and microscopic examination of organs and tissues. Laboratory testing, including toxicology, and its analysis can be requested.
A Molecular Autopsy can also be performed. A Molecular Autopsy is genetic testing which identifies if the deceased has a gene for a disease that could be passed on to the deceased's children. In accordance with the standards of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS (NAME) a blood sample is routinely collected at the time of autopsy and is available for this testing if the family requests it. If a gene is identified through the Molecular Autopsy, a family member can provide a saliva sample for analysis to see if they inherited that gene.
An autopsy will not alter the appearance of your loved one and your funeral arrangements can proceed as you desire, including open casket viewing. American Forensics will work with your funeral director and attempt to schedule the autopsy so as not to affect funeral arrangements. In order to maintain the highest forensic standards, a private autopsy will be performed in our facility located in Mesquite, Texas. To further assist our clients in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex, Texas American Forensics pays the transportation to our facility. If the body is located outside our normal service area, we will assist your family with transportation requirements including ground or air travel when needed.
The forensic pathologist conducting the autopsy is available to discuss case findings with the family throughout the process. A preliminary one-page written report called, “Provisional Anatomical Diagnosis” is mailed to the authorizing family member within 24-48 hours after an autopsy is performed. A full written report is completed and mailed in 60 days or less after the review of histology and any other tests ordered are completed.
American Forensics' price for a private autopsy in the Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas area includes transportation to our facility. Contact American Forensics to confidentially discuss details specific to your family’s situation and pricing.
Forensic pathologists are trained medical expert witnesses. They are specialists in medico-legal cases and have experience in civil and criminal judicial procedures. American Forensics provides an intermediary between medicine and law in an effort to answer medical questions with legal implications.
American Forensics provides qualified forensic experts for review of clinical medical records or autopsy findings. They can then render a medical opinion on standard of care, correct diagnosis, adequacy of care, cause and manner of death, and injury analysis. American Forensics’ physicians can help determine if cause of death circumstances suggest possible medical malpractice. American Forensics’ pathologists are board certified in Anatomic, Clinical, Forensic Pathology and Neuropathology, and have extensive autopsy experience. They are experts in deposition and trial testimony, providing services for plaintiff, prosecutor and defense attorneys.
American Forensics is based in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, however, consultation can be provided for cases across the United States. The physicians who work for American Forensics hold current medical licenses in Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, California, Hawaii, Indiana, Utah, Missouri, Kansas, Arizona and Wisconsin. Consultants can travel to all 50 states if needed.
Contact American Forensics to discuss your specific needs confidentially and the fees associated with our services.
When a patient dies in the hospital, the family or the treating physician may request an autopsy; however, American Forensics understands that you cannot always provide this service within your facility. An autopsy not only provides information for quality of care documentation for hospital staff, but can also help explain a loved one’s death to surviving family members.
For a reasonable and competitive fee, American Forensics can provide an autopsy examination of the deceased. This examination can provide your treating physicians information to help in completing death certificates. An autopsy can help identify strengths and weaknesses of your care plans. The examination can then be used in Mortality and Morbidity quality control reviews. Having the physicians of American Forensics conduct the examination removes the allegations of bias or “cover up” by the hospital. We are the only independent facility who has received National Association of Medical Examiners Accreditation (NAME).
American Forensics puts the needs of the clients first. Scheduling is flexible to best accommodate your hospital and the families we serve. We will help coordinate transportation of the deceased to and from our facility. Our contract rate is unmatched by any local competitor. When a family or physician requests an autopsy, American Forensics is a name you can rely on for prompt, caring, confidential, and competent service.
Law Enforcement
One of the highest priorities at American Forensics is to assist in expediting law enforcement in the investigative process. We strive to do this by offering a variety of services to law enforcement agencies at little to no cost. Some of the independent analysis services we provide are: gunshot residue analysis, firearm examination, fingerprint analysis, DNA analysis, toxicology, processing of sexual assault kits, forensic odontology, forensic reconstruction art, and forensic entomology. Additionally, we can assist in evaluating any existing disaster planning an agency may have in place with regard to death investigation procedures.
Our forensic investigators are trained to accommodate the specific needs of each case and to utilize professional and accredited labs for the analysis of collected evidence. The integrity of police evidence is of utmost importance and we understand the urgency of finalizing cases for families in your jurisdiction.
Funeral Directors
When a family requests an autopsy, they often seek the help of a professional funeral director to refer them to a reputable provider. You may trust American Forensics to put the needs of your client first. All of our physicians are American Board Certified Forensic Pathologists and former Medical Examiners.
Scheduling is flexible to accommodate you and the families we serve. Our facility has controlled access for intake and release 24 hours a day 365 days a year. We maintain refrigerated storage, all of the equipment and personnel necessary to render a high quality examination every time. Within the Dallas/Ft.Worth Metroplex, we offer free transportation to and from our facility for the deceased. We can typically turn around every exam within 24 hours.
Autopsies are medical procedures. Accordingly, the Texas Medical Board recommends that autopsies are to be performed in a controlled clinical environment. The Texas Medical Board recently requires postings in any facility in which autopsies are performed. Our facility is independent and Accredited by the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME). Our highly qualified staff is capable of performing examinations everyday of the year.
We are proud supporters and members of the Texas Funeral Directors Association.